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Dreams and Reflections

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Dreams and Reflections
Dreams and Reflections
Starting NPC:
Lyderia Home

Choice of:

  • Lyderian Greataxe
  • Lyderian Daggers
  • Lyderian Bow
  • Lyderian Staff
  • Lyderian Staff
  • Lyderian Sword & Lyderian Shield
  • Lyderian Sceptre & Lyderian Shield
  • Lyderian Light Blade
Dreams and Reflections - Video Tutorial

Quest Chain

Dreams and Reflections (Start) | A New Reality >>

Quest Description

The very first steps into your journey into Ravendawn are taken here in the first of three "tutorial" quests. You will get your bearings by being taught the basics of controlling your character and learning the user interface (UI).

Quest Progression

Mom just called... What does she want?

You wake up in your house in Lyderia without a profession, as you're still a young character. Use your arrow keys or WASD keys to move around.

Press the F key while standing next to the door, or right click the door to open it. Then, go downstairs by walking onto the stairs tile.

Talk with Mom.

Talk to your mother; today is your birthday, and she's preparing a great surprise for you. She asks you to pick up your present from the old blacksmith. Follow the arrows to the blacksmith, talk to him, and he will give you your new weapon (depending on your initial archetype choice).

Go out the front door and turn south to the neighbor's shop.

After talking with Mom, proceed through the door out of the house to the courtyard. Follow the golden arrows east to the well, then south toward Artisan's workshop. Interact with him to talk.

You will receive the weapon(s) of the starting archetype you chose when you created your character.

Return Home

After speaking with Artisan, go back north toward the well and west back toward your house.

Talk with Dad.

You will see Dad standing near a tree in the field, on the other side of the fence. Talk with him.

Equip the new weapon.

You'll see a prompt appear on the bottom to press I or click the icon that resembles a bag/backpack. This will open your inventory. Once you have, you'll see the item(s) you received for your archetype. Right-click the item(s) to equip to your character.

Attack the scarecrow.

You can close the inventory by pressing escape or clicking the X button in the upper right corner of the inventory window. Note that your character has changed appearance to reflect the weapon(s) you equipped.

Move yourself north to the scarecrow, you'll have a prompt to either press Tab to target it, or you can right-click it. This is teaching you how to target enemies in the game. Your character will automatically start attacking the scarecrow with the weapon(s) you've equipped.

Talk with Dad.

After three auto-attacks, worth 1 damage each, you'll be prompted to return to Dad. Talk with him again. You'll discuss your potential future with combat and how much you'll need to train.

Talk with Mom.

Proceed back inside to talk with Mom, still standing at the stove. Proud of you, her child hero, she has instructed you to go outside and harvest some strawberries from the garden.

Gather how many strawberries you want from the garden boxes.

Move outside of the house, directly south after leaving the door. Follow the golden arrows to the highlighted boxes.

Again you'll see an instructional prompt telling you to press F or right-click the plants in order to take the fruit from them. This is to teach you how to harvest things from your lands in-game. Each time you harvest, you will receive Strawberry.

Give the strawberries to Mom.

Go back inside, where Dad has walked to, and talk with your Mom. She will take the berries you collected and put them on your new cake, which she gives to you. Happy birthday!

Eat the birthday cake.

You know what to do, eat the cake you were given!

Open your inventory with I or clicking the bag icon. You'll find the birthday cake on the Quest tab. Right click it to eat it.

Talk to dad.

Beetles have attacked the garden. Speak with Dad, and he will charge you with your first duty as a hero -- Fighting the invasive beetles.

Follow Dad to the crops.

Dad will walk out of the house and stop north of the tree near the gate. Without a word, he expects you to now deal with the dangers.

Deal with the beetles.

This is the real combat tutorial, as the beetles will fight back and also move around. Just like you did with the scarecrow, either Tab or right-click to target the Beetle. Your character will use the weapon(s) you equipped earlier to auto-attack the creatures.

Talk to Dad.

Dad will be very happy to see your progress after defeating the beetles and congratulate you.

Spend the skill point by learning a new skill.

Congratulations on your level up! Once you finish talking with Dad, you'll see a "Legacy level up" appear with some new story quests unlocked. Your character will have a golden set of wings appear briefly, signifying that you've achieved level 1.

Immediately you'll see that you can press K or click the "tree" symbol in your bar to open the Skill Tree. The skills you are able to learn will be at the top. You can select one, and you'll be prompted if you're sure you'd like to learn this ability. Click yes, when you're sure, and close the menu.

Try out the new skill on the scarecrow.

You'll see that the new skill you've just learned will be added to the first spot of your action bar, at the bottom of the screen.

Target the scarecrow again, this time pressing 1. You'll notice that your character is auto-attacking just as it did previously, but now you're also using an active skill against it. When you've used the skill, you'll see that a timer appears over the skill, signifying that it's on cool-down, meaning it can't be used again until the time has run out.

After three active attacks against the scarecrow, you'll have destroyed it completely!

Talk with Dad again.

Dad was dumbfounded with your immense power and decides that it's time to give you an additional gift - a compass. This will serve as your quest tracker in the future of the game.

Use the compass to uncover Bandit's whereabouts.

After collecting the compass from Dad (not an item you actually receive, as it's just unlocking a feature of the game for you), you'll be prompted to click the "location pin" next to the Quest Log to the right of the screen. When you click it, you'll see a map of the area appear, as well as a yellow circle that signifies where Bandit is located.

The map is interactive and will allow you to zoom in and out, as well as dragging it around to see your surroundings. Press M to access it again at a later time.

Talk with the village lookout.

As you approach Bandit's location, you'll see Village Lookout, the village lookout, standing with him. Speak with Village Lookout, who is keeping Bandit company at the gate leading out of town. As you speak with him, you'll try to convince Village Lookout to let you out "to walk Bandit," unsuccessfully.

Congratulations on level 2, at the end of the conversation!

Go back home with Bandit.

Bandit is now following you at a distance and will go where ever your character goes. Bring him back home, the direction you came.

Talk with Dad.

Now that you've fetched Bandit, Dad expresses that there are still things to be done for the day despite it being your birthday. This concludes this quest and will take you to a short cutscene showing the hard working people of Lyderia.


  • Level 2


Mom just called... What does she want?

No dialogue.

Talk with Mom.

Mom: Look who's finally risen from their bed. Happy birthday, dear! We thought about waking you, but we just couldn't do that on your special day.

You: Something smells delicious...

Mom: Oh, so that's what finally got you out of bed! It's your birthday cake, but it's not quite ready yet.

You: Best birthday ever! // I've never had cake for breakfast before...

Mom: You always were a little demon for sweets... I guess some things never change. Still, the dough needs more time to rise. Till then, your father and I need you to pick up something from next door.

You: To Artisan's shop, you mean? // A present? What is it? Tell me!

Mom: That's right. Glad you remembered his name this time. He's only been our closest neighbor for your entire life! Anyways, it's already midday. Better get over there soon, before he sells your surprise to someone else!

You: I won't let that happen!

Go out the front door and turn south to the neighbor's shop.

Artisan: Young (player name)! Your parents said you'd be stopping by. Though I didn't expect it'd be so late in the day...

You: So I slept in a little... Mom said you'd have something for me?

Artisan: Aye. A special order, made just for you. I used to watch you fight imaginary monsters with sticks and branches, you know. Always wondered when I'd get to make you a real weapon... This is yours now. How does it feel?

You: It's so light! But somehow still sturdy... // I could take on at least five brigands with this!

Artisan: Heh, thanks. Been working on it for some time now, only finished the final touches last night. I hope you like it!

You: It's..it's incredible, Artisan.

Artisan: My pleasure, young (player name). Remember, a weapon is no toy, but an extension of your will. Care for it well and it may save your life one day. Now go on and show your folks! Your dad paid me good coin to make that for you.

You: Thanks again! See you around, Artisan!

Return Home.

No dialogue.

Talk with Dad.

Dad: I can hardly believe my own eyes. A son of mine carrying around his own weapon... You've grown so fast, boy. Now tell me! What do you think of it? How does it feel in your hands?

You: Makes me feel... powerful. It's amazing. Thanks, Dad. // I'm not even sure how to wield it... like this?

Dad: No need to thank me or your mom, it's a proud day for both of us. When you were born, we vowed to make sure tha twhen the time comes, you'll be ready to face whatever the world throws at you.

You: When the time comes for what? I can take on anything.

Dad: Ah well, that's not something we need to talk about right now. Why don't you go and try your new gift, eh? The scarecrow is a perfect target practice target. Just be careful! You're not playing with a toy anymore. Use a firm grip and don't lose your stance.

You: I won't. Just watch me!

Equip the new weapon.

No dialogue.

Attack the scarecrow.

No dialogue.

Talk with Dad.

Dad: That was pretty good! But keep in mind you're training with a single target. In a real fight, you may face several enemies at once. Be sure to change your target whenever necessary.

You: Pretty good? I barely scratched it!

Dad: True, but it takes time and practice to develop your skills. You're on the right path, trust me. When your grandfather taught me how to fight, it took me a week just to learn how to hold my axe straight.

You: Don't worry, Dad. I'll keep hitting these scarecrows until I'm as strong as you!

Dad: There's no rush (player name), but eventually you'll need to practice on moving targets...

You: But scarecrows can't walk...

Dad: Hold on - did you hear something? I think your mother is calling you... better not keep the boss waiting!

You: Is she?

Talk with Mom.

Mom: Quite the commotion out there! I'm glad you're enjoying your present, but do try to be careful inside the house, dear.

You: We might need some new scarecrows... // I really worked up an appetite!

Mom: That's okay. A couple of ruined scarecrows is a small price to pay when training a future hero, no? The cake is almost done... just needs a bit more flavor. Say, mighty hero, mind rescuing some of your favorite fruit from the garden?

You: Where?

Mom: Check the garden boxes out front, dear. I saw more than a few juicy strawberries ripe for the picking. Just a couple will be enough, but you can certainly gather more if you'd like.

You: Be right back.

Gather how many strawberries you want from the garden boxes.

No dialogue.

Give the strawberries to Mom.

Mom: Found them? Let's see here... Well! I knew you loved strawberries, but I didn't expect you to bring back quite so many. One here, one there... just about ready... and there! Warm birthday cake topped with fresh, homegrown fruit.

You: Mmm!

Mom: Careful, honey! The frosting is running off, eat it quick! Before there's a mess all over the floor!

You: Must take a bite...

Eat the birthday cake.

No dialogue.

Talk to Dad.

Dad: Beetles! At this time of year? Those earthquakes are turning the world upside down... But no matter. It won't be our crops they destroy!

You: Get 'em, Dad! // Never! We have to deal with them.

Dad: We? You're the one learning to use a fancy new weapon... I couldn't have planned it any better. It' s the perfect opportunity to practice on moving targets, (player name). Let's go outside. I'll keep an eye on you.

You: Death to all beetles!

Follow Dad to the crops.

No dialogue.

Deal with the beetles.

No dialogue.

Talk to Dad.

Dad: Look at that. Didn't I say you were on the right path? Those bugs never stood a chance!

You: Piece of cake! // That was scary...

Dad: Heh, it's good to be confident... but remember, those were just beetles. I can already see how much stronger you are, but there's still a long way to go before you're ready to take on bigger threats.

You: I feel stronger, too...

Dad: So why don't you practice a little more? Now that you've been in a real fight, I'm sure that scarecrow won't stand a chance! Just focus and strike.

You: Poor scarecrow won't know what hit him!

Spend the skill point by learning a new skill.

No dialogue.

Try out the new skill on the scarecrow.

No dialogue.

Talk with Dad again.

Dad: W-what just happened!? What did you do?

You: I'm sorry! I just focused my strength and...

Dad: I... I'm impressed, son. You're improving fast. Much more than I ever expected... Hmm. You know what? I think it might be time to give you one more gift...

You: Like I said before - best birthday ever! // But you've already given me so much...

Dad: It's been memorable for all of us, I think. Mom included. Now listen close, because this gift is important. It's a compass, but I want you to know it's also much more than that. It's an heirloom which belonged to my father, and his father before him. Now, I'm passing it on to you.

You: Oh boy, a compass... // But I already know how to find north, dad.

Dad: You must understand this is no simple trinket, (player name). It's arrow doesn't only point north. It's a magical artifact which binds itself to its user. So, whenever you are lost, this compass will reveal a path towards what you seek.

You: You've had this magical artifact this whole time? How does it work?

Dad: Why don't you find out for yourself? As usual, that dog of yours was up with the sun. Haven't seen him since! Bandit's probably running around the farm or laying in the dirt somewhere. Just think about him and hold the compass tight within your hands.

You: Just think about Bandit... // Just hold the compass tight...

Use the compass to uncover Bandit's whereabouts.

No dialogue.

Talk with the village lookout.

Village Lookout: (player name)! Well met. I knew it was only a matter of time before someone came looking for this little guy. Good timing too, because I just ran out of treats!

You: So that's why he's been gone all day...

Village Lookout: I should be thanking you, really. Bandit's been good company, making sure I don't fall over in boredom. I'm told there are brigands in the hills, but they must be keeping hidden. Damn. What is the world coming to?

You: What do you mean?

Village Lookout: Brigands have never been a problem out here before. Not to mention the earthquakes becoming more and more frequent... Did you see what happened to the bridge?

You: It's uncrossable! // No, what's wrong with it?

Village Lookout: Indeed, can hardly call it a bridge right now. More like a mess of splintered wood and nails! I hope the carpenters finish it soon. Had to walk way outside the village walls just to get to this side of town.

You: Will you open the gate for me? I want to take Bandit for a walk.

Village Lookout: Err, I'd better not. Your dad would kill me if anything happened to you out there... And I'd rather take on 10 brigands than to have to fight your old man.

You: Aw. Fine. // But I'm old enough now! Pleeease?

Village Lookout: Tell your mom and dad I said hello. I'll make sure no brigands get into the village on my watch. Not a chance.

You: Sure, Village Lookout. Bye.

Go back home with Bandit.

No dialogue.

Talk with Dad.

Dad: Ah! Here comes the fierce warrior and their fierce companion. I'll assume you figured out how the compass works, then.

You: It took me straight to him! // Psh. Didn't even need it.

Dad: I told you the compass was magical. I'm just glad you found Bandit so fast. Was he out by Village Lookout again?

You: He said he was helping defend the gate. He's a 'guard dog' now. // Yep! And now he wants a slice of cake.

Dad: Heh, I'll never know how you seem to understand that dog so well. It's almost like you two speak the same language... Anyways, it's good you're back. I know it's your birthday, but there's still much to get done today.

You: The faster we start, the sooner we'll be finished. Right, Dad? // But daaaaad...

Dad: Exactly. Happy to hear that fatherly advice I always give you is finally sinking in!

You: Hmph. Fine...